I hate being wrong. Better: I hate admitting I am wrong. I hate to be caught in the act of burnishing my image, which, of course, turns to more tarnishing. From simple stumbles in life to admitting my sin, I hate it.
It’s embarrassing. It diminishes me. Who likes to be caught naked and then commanded to come out of the bushes and present themselves in all their naturalness?
“Oh, I forgot! You are J.W. and never wrong!” Someone said that to me and it revealed a part of me that I’d rather not admit.
If I could just be square with myself and be honest, I could breathe a sigh of relief. And, be a better follower of Our Lord.
This year, 2024, I am going to be wrong from time to time and I’m going to admit it. So, if said, “There’s snow coming tomorrow,” and the day begins with a rainbow in the sky and it’s warm enough for a light jacket, I am going to admit it: ‘”I was wrong!”
If I dress hurriedly and show up for my physical therapy appointment with a random, second pair of shorts hanging out over my pants at the rear, I will not say, “This never happens to me. I am going to laugh and say “This ain’t the first time.”
In Mt 5:37, Our Lord says tell the truth, anything else comes from the evil one. That reminds me that the evil one is a deceiver. He deceived Eve and Adam and he is still at it. In 2024, I hope to be more truthful, especially in regard to admitting when I’m wrong or when I’m caught in a Pinocchio moment. I’ll need a nudge from God’s grace every time.