Random thoughts while on the way: “What am I doing, driving to Chicago to be on the radio? Who do I think I am? Some celebrity? Harrumph. I’m not ready. I should be more nervous.”
Then, I thought:”What t’heck. Here I come ready or not.”
Reflections on the experience:
1. Gratitude that Father Tony thought enough of me to bring me on the show. How many people get a chance to speak on a powerful station like 750 AM Chicago, and at prime time, between Noon and 1 PM?
2. Father Tony is an engaging radio personality who has a knack for filling an hour with information, devotionals, prayer and human interest stories.
3. I added humor to the show. I told stories that made Tony laugh and the other guests (a young woman intern and an older woman supporter) smile. I usually try to get people to listen to me by grabbing their attention with something funny. I always run the risk of overdoing it or not making my point. But, I think I did both yesterday. I overdid it and made my points.
4. I was on “Winds of Change” to talk about two things: the founder of the Resurrectionists, Bogdan Janski and my work as a Global Fellow for Catholic
Relief Services.
Tony and I discussed Janski’s conversion to Christ. Though raised a Catholic he fell away in his youth, hit bottom with abuse of alcohol and addiction to sex and then slowly opened his heart to God’s grace. That grace came to him while he participated in bible study and the Eucharist as a member of a group of men dedicated to Christ and the Church.
I hope someone listening to us found it helpful to learn about a man who overcame
his addictions by cooperating with God’s grace.
5. I had fifteen minutes to talk about CRS so I limited myself to promoting Operation Rice Bowl. I think I was successful.
6. I hope Father Tony invites me back and this time I will be better prepared with
stories that will lift the hearts of listeners. I would like to avoid the bantering that Tony and I did. It was too “inside.” It was what we priests do when we are together and kidding one another. Maybe not the best approach for this kind of radio.