Another horror at another school perpetrated by a student who friends say was a happy, non-violent young man. The nation reels as it hears the story of this disturbed boy who walks into a lunch gathering in the school cafeteria, pulls out a .40 caliber handgun and shoots four fellow students. The shooter commits suicide. One victim dies at the scene, another dies a few days later. Two others are still hospitalized.
Our country is stunned by this destruction of young life. It has happened again. And, it will happen again and again until we ban handguns. I have nothing against hunting rifles and shotguns. They are for hunting and are hard to conceal. Handguns are for shooting humans.
Yeah, I know. The Bill of Rights says it’s our right as Americans to be armed. The NRA insists everyone should be armed, including children. Just teach everyone proper gun etiquette and we’ll all get along. Guns bring respect to the gun-holder. O yes, the NRA thinks teachers should be armed, too. Just what we need in a crowed cafeteria, nervous and shocked teachers whipping out their guns and shooting.
So, we will mourn the tragedy of another school shooting. We will do nothing about enacting laws to prevent this type of violence from happening again. We won’t enforce the laws we do have, for that matter. What is wrong with us?
Along with the Bill of Rights, the founders of our democracy should have listed a Bill of Responsibilities. One of those responsibilities should have been something like: In defense of our country, each citizen will not refuse to bear arms in a militia. However, except for self-defense, no one may exhibit arms, especially handguns for the purpose of intimidation and self-promotion.