No matter that the Blue Jay squawks, I’m one of those who is grateful today that the American Eagle was chosen by our forefathers to represent our country’s honor rather than the stumpy, frumpy-looking turkey. I know, I know…. Wild turkeys look sleeker and more elegant than the caricature turkeys on our placemats and Thanksgiving cards.
I’m grateful for a lot of things today–and in no particular order:
I’m grateful for the orthopedic surgeon who loosened the bands in my back which were squeezing off the nerves to my legs. Now I can walk for a long time without pain. Not to mention the cardiologist who has me running on batteries.
I’m grateful to God that I made vows in the Congregation of the Resurrection and inherited
a family dedicated to rising from sin to a new life in Christ. I don’t know where I would be without the great grace of community life. The guys keep me, or try to keep me real.
I’m grateful for my priesthood and the Eucharist (Greek for “Thanksgiving”). It’s my life. It’s who I am.
I’m grateful that I have a close family, and a large one. We have our issues and problems
but when I remember my four sisters and my parents who have gone before us, my heart softens and I think how great it is that we have one day set aside in our country to
formally give thanks. In a few hours, I’ll sit down with that family for the traditional turkey dinner.
My oldest sister will prepare it and nearly everyone will bring something for the table to add to the feast. There will be turkey with sage stuffing, of course, and cranberry relish, mashed potatoes and gravy, linguini (the Italians are hosting today’s dinner), creamed green beans (a favorite) and all kinds of pies including, apple, pumpkin and banana cream.
When the table is ready and everything that needs to be hot will be hot, we’ll all amble in.
Some will sit, others will stand and I’ll likely lead the prayer. My thanks will be brief
because who wants cold turkey on Thanksgiving? But, I’m also going to take time to ask everyone to join me in the “Our Father” and the good ole “Bless us, O Lord and these Thy gifts….”
I hope you are welcome somewhere for Thanksgiving. If not, for whatever reason,
I am including you in our Thanksgiving prayer and praying that God will fill you
with what you need to serve your deepest hungers.